Anthony, Apprentice 2006 & 2007

The folks at the CSG at Genesis took a chance and welcomed me well on short notice during a busy part of the season and many transitions in the life of the CSG. I had a couple months of vegetable growing under my belt but by the end of my first season at the CSG my eyes had opened to a vast new world and way of bringing food and people together which helped to initiate a hunger for great food, community, fellow farmers and friends to share the work with, and a passion to build my own confidence, knowledge and skills to navigate farming and life in general. That hunger continues today, nearly three years since my beginnings at Genesis, in a search to begin a farming venture bringing a great diversity of food and community together. The CSG at Genesis farm granted me great vegetable growing and community building skills I’ve carried throughout my tenure on other farms and helped give me direction on my path ahead.