Jen Maidrand, Apprentice 2017

I come from Elk Grove, CA, just outside the city of Sacramento in northern California. I have been in New Jersey just over a year doing a Master’s Program in Religion and Ecology at Drew Theological School. I joined the apprenticeship team planning to be at Genesis for just the summer, but have since become quite taken with this community and land. I am incredibly grateful to work part-time at the farm while going to school (so you can find me around the CSG on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays). I adore kale, peaches, butternut squash, arugula, and corn (my spirit crop this season). Cucumbers, my other crop, are a different story; my patience was definitely tried with the thousands I was harvesting each week during this rain-abundant season. Being an apprentice here has surely challenged my ability to be mindful of and attentive to the small details of crops. The critical and constant observation and care that each crop requires differently has taught me to interact with plants and the world around me with heightened awareness. And this of course comes full circle in my studies, having experienced in the field what I hope to bring about in academic and faith communities.

So to all of you reading this, thank you. Your work and lives have made this community what it is, and for that I am immensely thankful.