Kelly, Apprentice 2014 & 2015

The CSG at Genesis Farm is truly an extraordinary place and I feel so blessed to have spent two amazing seasons there. Without a doubt there are challenges to working at Genesis Farm. There are long, hot days. There are wet feet, sore backs and bleeding hands. I was far away from my family and sometimes felt isolated. Sometimes the field walks are so overwhelming it seems like we can’t possibly get it all done, and honestly, sometimes we don’t. Nevertheless, what does happen is quite incredible. It is both challenging and wonderful and I still find myself surprised by the things I learned during my time as an apprentice, not just about growing the best food (which I certainly did), but about myself, where my strength lies and what I’m capable of. And I got to do it all while being surrounded by some of the most supportive, encouraging, hard working and fun loving people. The crew is fantastic; Judy, Mike and Smadar are knowledgeable mentors and the community as a whole is just very, very special. I can’t fully express the gratitude I feel to be part of this family, no matter how far away I am.

My bit of advice to anyone wanting to apprentice here is to really commit, be present everyday, get involved and allow yourself to care about the people, the food and the land. Do this and I believe you will be rewarded immeasurably.