Samson, Apprentice 2010

My experience at the Garden was the best 10 months of my life. I went into farming with a very basic understanding of it, but with sheer determination I pulled through. There is true, raw power as you wield an oscillating hoe through a forest of weeds, doing your best not to injure the fragile onions in the bed, or leaning over for an extended period of time as you transplant lettuce with timed precision and accuracy. The knowledge and skills I gathered throughout the season gave me a new perspective on life, friendship and food. It challenged me mentally and physically, always demanding that I stride forward. A greater appreciation of the elements and the environment began to enter my thoughts, as I encountered small insects I’d never even heard of before, mulched sweet peppers during a heat wave, and patiently waited for the Swiss chard to thaw in October. Experiencing all the seasons taught me, mind and body, a deeper understanding of day to day life as a farmer. I hope to continue working with the land.